Audited Financial Results for the year ended 31st March, 2008 |
9 Month |
31st Dec'07 |
March'08 |
March'07 |
March'08 |
March'07 |
Unaudited |
Audited |
Audited |
Audited |
Audited |
01 |
Gross Sales |
5,008.92 |
1490.26 |
2056.75 |
6499.18 |
7960.92 |
Less: Excise Duty |
399.70 |
90.75 |
276.73 |
490.45 |
958.34 |
Net Sales |
4609.22 |
1,399.51 |
1,780.02 |
6008.73 |
7002.58 |
02 |
Other Income |
213.93 |
5.95 |
104.12 |
219.88 |
316.84 |
03 |
Total Income |
4823.15 |
1,405.46 |
1,884.14 |
6228.61 |
7319.42 |
04 |
Total Expenditure |
a) Increase/(Decrease) in stock in trade |
(965.66) |
32.81 |
(28.01) |
(932.85) |
365.81 |
b) Consumption of raw materials |
2,060.75 |
588.42 |
789.69 |
2,649.17 |
2,943.41 |
c) Purchases |
684.86 |
(64.84) |
3.68 |
620.02 |
128.48 |
d) Employees cost |
530.31 |
207.43 |
175.73 |
73747 |
648.52 |
e) Depreciation |
67.11 |
31.54 |
18.89 |
98.65 |
75.98 |
f) Other expenditure |
- Power & Fuel |
681.18 |
(1.94) |
212.00 |
679.24 |
816.45 |
- Selling expenses |
568.96 |
207.40 |
220.25 |
776.36 |
939.09 |
- Others |
514.27 |
167.07 |
67.87 |
681.34 |
605.83 |
g) Total |
4141.78 |
1167.89 |
1460.10 |
5309.67 |
6523.57 |
05 |
Interest |
205.30 |
100.67 |
73.21 |
305.97 |
239.90 |
06 |
Exceptional Items |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
07 |
Profit before Tax |
476.05 |
136.91 |
350.83 |
612.97 |
555.95 |
08 |
Tax Expenses |
- Current Tax |
34.81 |
20.33 |
37.47 |
55.14 |
46.00 |
- Deferred Tax |
70.94 |
31.31 |
115.55 |
102.25 |
136.73 |
- Fringe Benefit Tax |
5.47 |
2.53 |
3.66 |
8.00 |
9.50 |
09 |
Net Profit After Tax |
364.84 |
82.74 |
194.15 |
447.58 |
363.72 |
10 |
Extraordinary Items |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
11 |
Net Profit for the period |
364.84 |
82.74 |
194.15 |
447.58 |
363.72 |
12 |
Paid-up Equity Share Capital
(Face value Rs.10/-) |
1,832.74 |
1,832.74 |
1,832.74 |
1,832.74 |
1,832.74 |
13 |
Reserves excluding revaluation reserve |
388.37 |
80.20 |
- |
468.57 |
23.52 |
14 |
Basic and diluted EPS for the period, for the year to date and for the Previous Year (In Rs.) |
1.99 |
0.45 |
1.06 |
2.44 |
1.98 |
15 |
Aggregate of Non - Public Shareholding |
- Number of Shares |
13,231,600 |
13,953,531 |
- Percentage of Shareholding |
72.20 |
76.13 |
1. The Directors are pleased to recommend a Dividend of 6% (Re.0.60 per Equity Share of Rs.10) for the year (Previous year NIL).
2. Freight as included in selling expenses is charged to account on incurrence/ accrual at the time of removal of finished goods from the factory. Therefore, this may not necessarily relate to sales achieved during a particular period. However, this is according to the accounting policy consistently followed by the company.
3. Net Sales Rs.6008.73 lacs (Previous year Rs.7002.58 lacs) includes Formaline Sales of Rs.13.18 lacs (Previous year Rs.524.73 lacs) as Formaline produced was only used for internal consumption.
Particle Board sales discontinued during the year was Rs.49.13 lacs (Previous year Rs.154.02 lacs). Sales and Production of Popular Grade was discontinued during the year as this was not remunerative.
4. Purchases include import of MDF Boards aggregating to Rs.538.00 lacs for the year ended 31st March, 2008.
5. Credit Balance of Rs.64.84 lacs as per Sl. No.4(c) purchases for the quarter ended 31st March, 2008 is due to adjustments relating to earlier quarters and for regrouping of figures..
6. Credit Balance of Rs.1.94 lacs for Power & Fuel as per Sl. No.4(f) is on account of Electricity Duty aggregating to Rs.157.76 lacs adjusted as income for the quarter ended 31st March, 2008 as per BIFR order.
7. The Company has adopted Accounting Standard 15 Employee Benefits (revised 2005) with effect from 1st April, 2007.
8. Information on investor complaints for the quarter ended 31st March, 2008 (in nos.)
Opening Balance of
Complaints |
Received during
the Quarter |
Disposed off during
The Quarter |
Balance |
10 |
10 |
9. Figures of the previous period have been regrouped / rearranged wherever considered necessary.
10. The above results have been approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on 29th April, 2008.
11. The results of the Company are available at the Company's web site
Place : Kolkata |
Date : 29th April, 2008 |
Quarterly reporting of segment wise revenue, results and capital employed, under clause 41 of the listing agreement |
9 Month |
Quarter Ended |
Year Ended |
31.12.2007 |
March,2008 |
March,2007 |
March,2008 |
March,2007 |
Unaudited |
Audited |
Audited |
Audited |
Audited |
1 |
Segment Revenue (Net sale/income from each segment) |
a) Segment – Medium Density Fibre Board |
4341.91 |
1259.08 |
1923.89 |
5600.99 |
7028.37 |
b) Segment – Formaldehyde |
426.09 |
131.64 |
374.68 |
557.73 |
1372.63 |
c) Others |
651.64 |
231.19 |
26.87 |
882.83 |
327.52 |
Total |
5419.64 |
1621.90 |
2325.44 |
7041.55 |
8728.52 |
Less: Inter Segment Revenue |
410.72 |
131.64 |
268.69 |
542.37 |
767.60 |
Gross sales/Income |
5008.92 |
1490.27 |
2056.75 |
6499.18 |
7960.92 |
Less : Excise Duty |
399.70 |
90.75 |
276.73 |
490.45 |
958.34 |
Net sales/Income from Operations |
4609.22 |
1399.52 |
1780.02 |
6008.73 |
7002.58 |
2 |
Segment Results (Profit before tax and interest from each segment) |
a) Segment – Medium Density Fibre Board |
118.26 |
434.84 |
327.93 |
553.10 |
346.05 |
b) Segment – Formaldehyde |
(1.86) |
87.76 |
42.65 |
85.90 |
172.37 |
c) Others |
497.67 |
(268.84) |
(27.77) |
228.83 |
53.20 |
Total |
614.07 |
253.76 |
342.81 |
867.82 |
571.62 |
Less: i. Interest |
205.30 |
100.67 |
73.21 |
305.97 |
239.90 |
ii. Other un-allocable (income)/
expenditure net off of
un-allocable income/expenditure. |
(67.30) |
16.18 |
(81.23) |
(51.12) |
(224.23) |
Total Profit Before Tax |
476.07 |
136.91 |
350.83 |
612.97 |
555.95 |
3 |
Capital Employed (Segment assets – Segment liabilities) |
a) Segment – Medium Density Fibre Board |
3406.78 |
4682.07 |
3122.25 |
4682.07 |
3122.25 |
b) Segment – Formaldehyde |
(34.55) |
135.40 |
(24.66) |
135.40 |
(24.66) |
c) Segment – Unallocable |
584.78 |
387.86 |
369.41 |
387.86 |
369.41 |
Total |
3957.01 |
5205.33 |
3467.00 |
5205.33 |
3467.00 |
NOTES: Figures of the previous period have been regrouped / rearranged wherever considered necessary.